
Learning by doing

Short Description
Just showing some concepts and explain how to do something is not enough. Seniors were asked, for example, to create a Google account by themselves or to adapt the existing code and colour an existing background from blue to yellow.

Considering the biggest mind-gap to be overcome by elders, being that elderly people are often resistent to change and, specifically to new ways of interaction, of communication and of mind-sets (where real and virtual worlds remain separate and hardly interact and fears of digital violations may prevent from in-depth learning of digital language), the whole action is a combination of tangible and digital activities, in order to always guarantee human touch behind digital language.

Pedagogical Information

Laptop/computer is necessary. This can be practiced mainly inside if we talk about teaching coding or basic technical skills. Participants will work individually.

European Dimension

solidarity, social inclusion

Applied in projects

Senior Trainees on Coding

SILVER-CODE aimed to train elderly people to improve their digital skills and, especially, on learning basics of coding, in order to better adapt to digital-oriented changing world and to improve their quality of life.

Additional resources

Design and Development by arivum.