
Research into the state of art of old age in partners’ countries

Short Description
The authors collected national data on active ageing concerning national policies, providers of education in later life, good practices. They also gave the definition of active ageing as it has been accepted on the national level. The national reports were compiled and data were compared in the so called European report on active ageing.

The state of art is a valuable starting point for developing any project and it shouldn’t be skipped. Preferably, one of the partners develops the structure of the report. Other partners check it and amend it. They develop their national reports and one of the partners or an external expert develop the compilation of the data into European report. The report is based on similarities and dissimilarities recorded on the national level.

Pedagogical Information

The state of art is useful for the adult educators who deliver courses which are part of the project.

European Dimension

The compiled European report definitely has European dimension due to the method of comparison applied and the interpretation of the compiled data and generalisations provided.

Applied in projects

European Cinema for Active Ageing

CINAGE – a Grundtvig multilateral project, supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme – was composed of interlinked activities resulting in the production of a learning package, for use by adult educators and aimed at empowering older people towards achieving a more active ageing.

Additional resources

Design and Development by arivum.