Association of University Libraries (AUL)
The leading library practices indicate that to meet the requirements of the information society and the United European educational space is necessary to follow subsequent strategy for development of the university libraries, directed to building of telecommunication connections between the libraries, of integrated library systems and to creating of databases for interlibrary exchange. It is necessary to be introduced new models of organization of the access to the scientific publications with effective mechanisms of management of the financial and information resources of single libraries as well as of groups of libraries.
In 2000 initiated by University library “St. Kliment Ohridski” was established Association of the University Libraries in Bulgaria (AUL) with president Prof. Ivanka Yankova, DSc.
The Association of the University Libraries is a natural continuation of the common work in the formed in 1978 under the management of University library, Board of Directors of the libraries by the High Schools and of its activity of building united information system in Bulgaria.