
Educational Framework Italy

Short Description
Adult education in Italy, in accordance with the indications of the Council of Europe and within the Strategic Education and Training 2020 framework, is essential to overcome the current crisis and promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship. It is realized: in a formal way at the offices of the teaching unit of the CPIA (Provincial Centers for Adult Education), that is to say at the second-level educational institutions that provide the courses, of literacy and learning of the Italian language in addition to paths to obtain diplomas first and second level for Italian adults, foreigners, migrants, disabled and older students, for free only. in an informal way through the universities of the third age and other similar educational agencies. In our universities courses in Italian language, language, (English, French, Spanish, German) are carried out for the purpose of integration and cohesion, upon request mini-courses (of Georgian, Albanian language ...). Of Italian history and of our countries foreign students), of computers.

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