

Workshop on European Identity and Awareness

The workshop concept can be used to clarify the following question: Which projects, activities and methods in adult education can be used in order to help fostering and/or developing a European awareness or European identity.
Information-Oriented Awareness Critical Thinking European Awareness European Identity Identification


In the simulation the participants perform a certain activity in conditions, as closely as possible to the real situation. The method is useful, where practice is required for the performance of certain tasks, and it is not possible to practice the activity concerned. The method allows participants to apply directly the learning outcomes.
Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Festival Simulation Danube Stories European Awareness Danube Festivals


The method helps organizations from different countries and different spheres of activity to work together and exchange best practices in areas such as adult social inclusion and the acquisition of new cultural and / or linguistic skills through formal and non-formal education and training. The creative process of the seminar encourages creative expression of thoughts and feelings in thematic areas related to the living environment, history and cultural identity of the participants.
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Groups Danube Stories European Awareness Seminar


As a method, mobility allows the exchange of experience, practice and methods to better understand the diverse cultural, social and economic trends in Europe as well as areas of common interest. It helps to enhance the opportunities for adults to study and work with students in other countries to promote their self-esteem and to increase their adaptability.
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Lifelong Learning Active Ageing Mobility European Awareness


The main purpose of these festivals is to improve the quality of training by enabling participants to exchange experiences, information and promote among them the contemporary understanding of European awareness, and dialogue between cultures and the generations.
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Festival Danube Stories European Awareness Danube Festivals

Writing Stories

Individual learning is one of the most effective educational method because it is consistent with the individual socio-psychological features of adult learners. The method encourages creative expression of thoughts and feelings on the topic of the river Danube and Danube countries that have to do with the older people's living environment, history and cultural identity. It helps to develop the individual learning skills of older people for comparing and learning about other countries and cultures, provokes reflection on intercultural competences and contributes to their widening.
Information-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Self-Reflection-Orientated Individual Learning Danube Stories Life-History Method European Awareness

Design and Development by arivum.