

Making short featured films

The method is complex, leading to the final result professionally made short featured film. Since it is a short film it demands a lot of dexterity and substantial intellectual input.
Participatory-Oriented Society Skills Intergenerational Communication Community Policies Solidarity

Project method

item 7 Methods used in vocational training* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The main idea of the project method is to set up a task related to solving a real problem that needs to be performed by a group of people within a certain period of time. Learning through a project method involves practical work in the form of a purposeful, time-limited work. During the different phases of the project, participants are encouraged to accumulate various knowledge, skills and abilities. Linking learning to action in fulfilling a specific task aims at mastering professional competence, including a social one.
Participatory-Oriented Education Intergenerational Learning Festival Community Solidarity Heritage Culture

Design and Development by arivum.