

Contemporary Witness Work

Contemporary witnesses are people who are able to give insights on historical events and traditions, since they lived during that time. Contemporary witnesses work focuses on these witnesses, and refines their experiences for the public, and in some cases, it also helps the contemporary witnesses themselves to better understand their past.
Participatory-Oriented Active Ageing Age Based Communication Creative Critical Thinking Culture Danube Stories Dialogue European Identity Intergenerational Practice Personal Development Production (Books, Website)

Focus Groups

Focus groups in which were representatives of project partners were conducted to define and monitor performance indicators (metrics), assess the quality of the project results, its progress and impact. Focus groups are important part of the evaluation process (formative and final evaluation) and enabled information about dynamics of the project implementation, challenges in implementation, obstacles for partners in the project, their satisfaction with project management and with the results, suggestions for improvement of implementation.
Information-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Age Based Focus Groups

Desk research

Desk research was conducted to identify innovative and effective learning/teaching approaches for working with older people. The desk research was focused on innovative and effective learning/teaching approaches used in training of health and social workers and focused on supporting interaction skills. Innovative learning approaches for working with the elderly was identified; opportunities were described. Based on this inventory, best practices and innovative teaching methods were identified based on the research, and examples of good practice were provided.
Discovery-Oriented Age Based Teaching Intercultural

Design and Development by arivum.