

Crocheting and knitting for Europe

The idea is to crochet and knit a woollen ribbon that symbolizes a certain course or route – in our case it was the river Danube. The idea behind was to foster a common feeling of being part of the Danube community.
Participatory-Oriented Active Ageing Art Civil Society Craftsmanship Creative Danube Stories Cross-Cultural Disability Diversity European Identity Groups Identification Intergenerational Practice Low-Threshold Method People With Disabilities

Joint organization of an intercultural event

Joint organization of an intercultural event by various civic society organizations in a city. The aim of this action is not only to set up an event, but also to foster and connect local organizations.
Participatory-Oriented Civil Society Food Intangible Heritage Diversity Low-Threshold Method

Role-playing game

The method is suitable for forming skills to adequately react to a particular situation or to understand the behaviour of other people / heroes. Each role-playing game has the following elements: a role-playing situation, a place of action, and actors (real and imaginary) who enter certain roles. (Applied Classification of training methods-Valentina Vasileva)
Participatory-Oriented Diversity Knowledge Creativity Communication Intercultural European Identity

Modification of materials

It is valuable to be submitted basic structure of the course to develop, if the structure has been validated in practice, in real life. The partnership had an expertise in different reference areas, which enriched the material considerably.
Participatory-Oriented Solidarity Diversity Employability Policies Education

Research into intergenerational learning

Generally speaking the concept of generations and the pertaining categorisations are frequently misunderstood. A generation is a social group of people who are more or less of the same age and live in similar social and historic conditions, who have similar feelings about their times, who have been gaining similar experience and knowledge, who have been developing similar attitudes, values and have adopted similar life styles (Ule 2008: 20). Multigenerational relationships are rather well preserved within families. There are differences between generations in their attitudes and standpoints towards a number of individual and social topics. Understanding generations’ means understanding the phenomenon of social change.
Information-Oriented Solidarity Diversity Employability Policies Education

Focus groups on the value of European films about old age and active ageing

Focus groups were composed of experts in the field of old age and experts in the field of European cinema. Also, adult educators joined the group.
Evaluation-Oriented Society Solidarity Productivity Diversity Human Rights

Design and Development by arivum.