

Panel Discussion

The Panel Discussions stimulate analytical thinking, receiving feedback from the participants in the project, and allow all participants to express themselves. The aim is to provoke a conversation in which to present different points of view. The Panel Discussion is used to boost European identity, to develop and apply key competences and to evaluate the different aspects of active social inclusion. It helped in establishing cooperation with other organisations on local level (NGOs providing education for seniors, decision-makers of municipalities, associations representing older citizens, experts, national EU representatives and representatives of the European Commission).
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Danube Strategy Intergenerational Learning

Cross-national Meeting

The Cross-national Meetings (Theoretical-practical conference) are an important final organizational form in adult learning. They are of great importance for activating learners, generalizing and systematizing the mastered knowledge, skills and habits. It provides a public view of the learning outcomes. A Cross-national Meeting was used to promote European values, tolerance towards other cultures, and diversity, as well as the unity of Europe and the Danube Region during the DANET project.
Action-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Danube Strategy Intergenerational Learning

Panel Discussion

Panel discussion was used to boost European identity, to develop and apply key competences and to evaluate the different aspects of active social inclusion. It helped in establishing cooperation with other organisations on local level (NGOs providing education for seniors, decision-makers of municipalities, associations representing older citizens, experts, national EU representatives and representatives of the European Commission).
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Danube Strategy Intergenerational Learning

Design and Development by arivum.