

Making short featured films

The method is complex, leading to the final result professionally made short featured film. Since it is a short film it demands a lot of dexterity and substantial intellectual input.
Participatory-Oriented Society Skills Intergenerational Communication Community Policies Solidarity

Focus groups on the value of European films about old age and active ageing

Focus groups were composed of experts in the field of old age and experts in the field of European cinema. Also, adult educators joined the group.
Evaluation-Oriented Society Solidarity Productivity Diversity Human Rights

Teaching by lectures the host country language

Key goals of this method is to transmit knowledge, to inform about national culture, to motivate participants to be active members of society. This method was developed for female immigrants from third countries who have only basic reading skills in host country language. This method includes improvement of listening, speaking, reading, writing skills of host country language and basic information about culture, heritage, social background and other information needed for social inclusion. Participants live in host country, they have basic listening skills but they are still not integrated because of social distance, low speaking, reading, writing skills and lack of professional skills. This method is combination of traditional language course, course about basic cultural information and motivation training. Participants have gained basic knowledge of the host societies language (Croatian), history, and institutions and this is indispensable for integration
Information-Oriented Foreign Language Migrants/ Immigrants Social Inclusion Society

Design and Development by arivum.