

Writing Stories

Individual learning is one of the most effective educational method because it is consistent with the individual socio-psychological features of adult learners. The method encourages creative expression of thoughts and feelings on the topic of the river Danube and Danube countries that have to do with the older people's living environment, history and cultural identity. It helps to develop the individual learning skills of older people for comparing and learning about other countries and cultures, provokes reflection on intercultural competences and contributes to their widening.
Information-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Self-Reflection-Orientated Individual Learning Danube Stories Life-History Method European Awareness

Biographical method

This method was included as part of evaluation, detection and recognition of prior learning. Another dimension is social – self-reflection which is not only related to vocational training but also to social and cultural background of participants. This method is used to analyse an individual’s history, present and future, raise his self-awareness and encourage conscious planning of future actions, has positive effect on personal development of an individual. It helps the individual to better understand the importance of events and transitions in his life, become aware of his own identity, recognise and take responsibility for his own life and take an active role in it. Focus is to collecting and analysing the different ways of acquiring knowledge and competence development in different life circumstances and different social situations in which life skills are important. This method is useful in the detection of hidden knowledge and empowerment of self-confidence, and in opening new paths in training process. In this project were used spoken and written forms of biography in combination with guided interview. On institutional level this method is very useful tool for collecting data about previous learning, and important part of process for recognition of prior learning
Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Life-History Method Migrants/ Immigrants Inclusion

Design and Development by arivum.