

Short Description
Semi-structured Interviews were conducted to explore older people’s perceptions and ideas about the required and desired competencies of professionals working with the population in their later life. Empirical work was conducted in five countries, so that the views of elderly people from different regions of Europe could be fully considered and integrated in a culturally comprehensive framework (a qualitative approach; sixteen semi-structured interviews in each country). This methodology permits elderly people to express their ideas and perceptions in an in-depth and freely way, giving the space and time that is offered to elaborate on specific needs and desires which can be oriented by cultural, social/environmental or individual factors.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore older people’s perceptions and ideas about the required and desired competencies of professionals working with the population in their later life. Empirical work was conducted in five countries, so that the views of elderly people from different regions of Europe (East, West, South, North) could be fully considered and integrated in a culturally comprehensive framework (a qualitative approach; sixteen semi-structured interviews in each country).

The interviews were based on a common script, developed by the leading partner, in a way of assuring a common analytic background. Semi-structured nature, has permitted elderly people from different countries to express their ideas and perceptions in an in-depth and freely way, giving the space and time that is offered to elaborate on specific needs and desires which can be oriented by cultural, social/environmental or individual factors to identify innovative and effective learning/teaching approaches for working with older people. Data analysis was conducted using the method of thematic analysis.  Advantages of this method are flexibility and the possibility to summarize core aspects of large amounts of data.

Pedagogical Information

Interviews were part of preparation for new educational programs for professionals who work with older people. Evidences and data are important part for preparation of every educational and training program. The best way of collecting data is combination of desk research (collecting data about previous researches and their results), the survey (about students’ needs and expectations), and interviews about needs of final beneficiaries (in this case older people). It is a kind of evidence based preparation or input to new curriculum.

The specific implementation of desk research in this project is that were included differences among European countries and societies, sociocultural differences of final beneficiaries, different cultural backgrounds and common European values.

Result was common European framework (European Core Competences Framework (ECCF)

Based on professional standards, educational systems, and social needs of older people.

Systematic preparation of educational program is key for its effective implementation.

European Dimension

This method includes cases from EU and candidate countries. An important part is respecting diversity and searching for common elements in proposed programs and methods. During research process participants faced with cultural diversity. Result was - European Core Competences Framework (ECCF) or united (results) in diversity.

Applied in projects

ELLAN – European Later Life Active Network

This project promoted European cooperation and exchange of innovation and good practice related to the ageing population and to the educational preparation of those that work with older people. The project reconstructed the diverse educational approach by developing a European Competences Framework for working with the older people, sharing innovation in teaching and identifying factors that influence students in choosing to work with older people thus strengthening the quality of higher education for professions providing care for older people.
The project directly targeted educators and management staff at the partners and other higher education institutions in Europe. The indirect target groups were the students, professional communities and older people themselves.

Additional resources

Design and Development by arivum.