

Short Description
A used form of communication among the partners to establish various steps of development of project and the cooperation with the senior volunteering associations of each country. The target group were adult students who are part of U3A Italy, Lithuania, France, Finland. Information about volunteering in all partner countries was conducted to share and exchange good practices and activities in which each organization have experiences in the context of volunteering in their country. To transmit knowledge in each participating institution in order to develop guidelines for volunteers and volunteer organizations.

It is an event in which arguments are presented on specific topics that are the subject of in-depth study. It can be a meeting of presentation or deepening on a subject of scientific or humanistic character or of various types. It is aimed at specific people, passionate about wanting to carry out a project together. It is a meeting that lasts a day or so, not a periodical one; it has mostly informative and formative purposes and it is not a periodical event at all. It is usually organised to discuss topics of common interest and to exchange knowledge.

It is important because it is an opportunity for discussion, decision making and reporting. It is not, therefore, an end in itself communication, but it is born from the desire to communicate something interesting that is worth reasoning about. During a conference, in fact, the debate between rapporteurs and with the public is often appreciated.

Pedagogical Information

A very simple method to inform people of different cultures on the project to develop and to make the participants aware of the different aspects of volunteering and to motivate them to became volunteers.

European Dimension

This method is widely used to disseminate the project and to learn about the stages of its diffusion. It serves to make the listeners attentive to the issue and to stimulate their participation by inviting them to overcome the different backgrounds and to concentrate on the similarities and on the importance of real active participation.

Applied in projects

Senior Volunteering in Europe

The project work started with a short research about volunteering in all partner countries. 5 regular transnational meetings ensured a good project progress.

During the meetings partners worked in groups, discussing different aspects of volunteering. Older learners and volunteers have always participated in the meetings, as their meaning and approach was very important. Discussion groups, involving volunteers and volunteer organizations were also created on national level.

The SenVol project showed the volunteering of elderly people in different contexts and cultures of the participating countries and showed that today our society does not really work without volunteering. It also highlighted the learning process that takes place during volunteering.

Live English

The project tends to create a simple text for the teaching of English to adults and elders essential to break down barriers, to communicate and be understood not only by native speakers but also by people belonging to different linguistic contexts. Therefore it was essential to examine the specific teaching methods to train English teachers who, in turn, in a simple and very basic way could pass on the learning of English to adult students who are part of Europe’s Third Age Universities united and in need of the knowledge of English.

Design and Development by arivum.