

European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning (ECIL)

The project was a continuation of the network EMIL founded by many European partners and ECIL, another network specialised in intergenerational learning (both networks were funded by Calouste Gulbenkian). Out of the latter network was born the ECIL - European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning partnership. The project was devoted to vocational training and its intergenerational learning contents.
School Teachers Adult Educators Decision Makers Intergenerational Communication Data Analysis Production (Books) Lifelong Learning

Danube-Networkers-Online-Lectures (DALEC)

DALEC was a “Media Project Old and Young” with the thematic focus on “Values and Paths along the Danube” across five countries. Five scientific lectures were prepared by scientists for lay people, held live to an audience in the respective locations and transmitted over the internet in an online-lecture series. The lectures were discussed face to face and via internet forums nationally and transnationally. The accompanying discussions, therefore, also contributed to a better understanding between old and young. In mini-projects some of the young and old participants worked with different methods based on the topics of the lectures. In the end, more than five mini projects were accomplished and complemented the online-lectures.
Different Ages Older Learners Pupils Students Young Learners Multipliers From Different Ngo’s Education Intergeneration Intercultural Art Knowledge European Identity Policies Minorities Democracy Solidarity Short-Term Project Human Rights Creative Awareness Communication Lifelong Learning Intergenerational Communication Identification

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