


Seven organisations with different expertise in education and guidance counselling (from Bulgaria, Germany, and Romania) have worked together on this project for two years. The project focuses on people with few professional skills, persons in an unstable employment, unemployed persons, or people of low social standing or from disadvantaged areas. Migrant background can be another motive, surely without being considered a criterion for disadvantage or poor access to education itself. These categories of beneficiaries coming from disadvantaged backgrounds are in need of more individualised guidance services. Thus, the project meets also the field-specific priorities in adult education: - "providing information on access to adult learning services, such as information on the validation of non-formal and informal learning and career and education guidance" - "improving and extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities tailored to individual adult learners, including through innovative ways of outreach and delivery" - "developing adult educators’ competences to deal with diversified groups of learners, make use of new technologies for better outreach and teaching outcomes". FairGuidance addresses all these policy objectives in the field of Vocational education and training (VET) and adult education.
People With Disabilities Lower-Skilled People Unemployed

Design and Development by arivum.