

Working group

It is a method that tends to form working groups of people with different opinions or with different professionalisms, who come together and work together in a coordinated manner to face and solve a problem that could not be solved individually by the individual components. The lifespan of a working group can last between a few months and several years.
Participatory-Oriented Education Cooperation Vocational Solidarity Lifelong Learning Social Inclusion Skills Production


A short Interview was conducted before the research really took place. Objectives were defined for gaining as much as possible data about buildings, urban places, way of life in the town. Objectives were defined. What the interviewers wanted to achieve was to obtain stories about the town. The type of interview was chosen and who would be the interviewees. Decisions were taken on the type of respondents needed and their characteristics (older people who have lived in the town for decades, who are analytical enough, etc.). It was decided how the interviews would be conducted. Face-to-face, and if the interviews would be recorded or not. It was decided how the sample would be constituted.
Information-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Intergenerational Communication Solidarity Education

Exploratory research learning

  Exploratory learning means learning through exploring environments, reality, and lived and virtual experiences with tutorial and peer-based support. Exploratory learning was the basic method in the project Personal town tours. All partners applied the same method based on setting up research answers and interviewing inhabitants as well as in some cases the intellectual outputs and further small scale projects as well scientific articles were added though not planned initially. The project and its contents became an integrated part of the more permanent U3A’s educational programme Squares, streets and buildings around us.
Action-Oriented Education Solidarity Participation Intergenerational Communication

Modification of materials

It is valuable to be submitted basic structure of the course to develop, if the structure has been validated in practice, in real life. The partnership had an expertise in different reference areas, which enriched the material considerably.
Participatory-Oriented Solidarity Diversity Employability Policies Education

Research into intergenerational learning

Generally speaking the concept of generations and the pertaining categorisations are frequently misunderstood. A generation is a social group of people who are more or less of the same age and live in similar social and historic conditions, who have similar feelings about their times, who have been gaining similar experience and knowledge, who have been developing similar attitudes, values and have adopted similar life styles (Ule 2008: 20). Multigenerational relationships are rather well preserved within families. There are differences between generations in their attitudes and standpoints towards a number of individual and social topics. Understanding generations’ means understanding the phenomenon of social change.
Information-Oriented Solidarity Diversity Employability Policies Education

Making short featured films

The method is complex, leading to the final result professionally made short featured film. Since it is a short film it demands a lot of dexterity and substantial intellectual input.
Participatory-Oriented Society Skills Intergenerational Communication Community Policies Solidarity

Focus groups on the value of European films about old age and active ageing

Focus groups were composed of experts in the field of old age and experts in the field of European cinema. Also, adult educators joined the group.
Evaluation-Oriented Society Solidarity Productivity Diversity Human Rights

Individual learning

item III Basic andragogical methods of learning* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The main idea of the Individual learning is a particular type of activity, which could be done in different ways, with a variety of methods and means. It is a major component of all other forms of training, but it also includes self-training, homework, self-employment in leisure time, and more. Students work independently in study rooms, libraries, outdoors, etc.
Information-Oriented Education Personal Development Cultural Expression Solidarity Heritage Culture

Training Workshop

item 7 Methods used in vocational training* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The method reflects the pursuit of learning in close proximity and direct connection with practice. It is a particular form of practice-oriented learning, providing both professional knowledge and skills and key competencies. It is based on a mix of single methods combined in a certain way. The workshop combines: individual work, group work, discussion, document analysis, moderation, etc.
Participatory-Oriented Education Intergenerational Learning Intergenerational Practice Key Competences Solidarity Heritage

Project method

item 7 Methods used in vocational training* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The main idea of the project method is to set up a task related to solving a real problem that needs to be performed by a group of people within a certain period of time. Learning through a project method involves practical work in the form of a purposeful, time-limited work. During the different phases of the project, participants are encouraged to accumulate various knowledge, skills and abilities. Linking learning to action in fulfilling a specific task aims at mastering professional competence, including a social one.
Participatory-Oriented Education Intergenerational Learning Festival Community Solidarity Heritage Culture


Icebreaker is an information-oriented method that helps to "break the ice" in various ways. It helps group members/ participants to get acquainted, relieve inhibitions or tension between people, allowing those involved to build trust with and feel more open to one another. Icebreakers encourage participation by all, helping a sense of connection and shared focus to develop. [Applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva)]
Information-Oriented Education Youth Solidarity Cross-Cultural

Design and Development by arivum.