

Getting to know each other with Danube Boxes

Getting to know each other in a creative way and thereby discovering similarities and differences is the aim of this method. The target group are people from all Danube countries, who do not know each other and who do not share a common language. The participants create a personal “Danube box” - and fill it with 3 objects that present personal symbols regarding the subject “Danube”. These boxes should give rise to time witness work and exchanges about personal experiences, attitudes and feelings.
Participatory-Oriented Heritage Non Formal Education Creative Non-Verbal Communication Individual Presentation Overcome Language Barriers Cultural Heritage


A Lecturette is a short ten to fifteen minute lecture, which intends to establish some common language between presenters and attendees, in this case, regarding the type of the personal town tour.
Information-Oriented Heritage Intercultural European Identity Knowledge

Learning game

Learning by playing is a welcome method. Playing games is a great leisure activity enjoyed by people of all ages, moreover it motivates participants and helps them build selfconfidence, as well as social and problem-solving skills.
Participatory-Oriented Heritage Knowledge Learning Intercultural European Identity

Shared classes with golden topic

This training process was based on activities that grow out of one common centre of interest of adult learners (called “golden topic”). The golden topic was “Old cooking recipes”. Around this topic were set three main branches of activities: ICT, literacy and English courses. In this training was also included development of another two basic skills: literacy, with reading and creative writing courses and Basic English communication skills. The methodological approach was based on four pillars: motivation, learning through acting, self-confidence and active participation of the adults all along learning process.
Information-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Teaching Heritage Intergeneration Food Foreign Language

Individual learning

item III Basic andragogical methods of learning* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The main idea of the Individual learning is a particular type of activity, which could be done in different ways, with a variety of methods and means. It is a major component of all other forms of training, but it also includes self-training, homework, self-employment in leisure time, and more. Students work independently in study rooms, libraries, outdoors, etc.
Information-Oriented Education Personal Development Cultural Expression Solidarity Heritage Culture

Training Workshop

item 7 Methods used in vocational training* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The method reflects the pursuit of learning in close proximity and direct connection with practice. It is a particular form of practice-oriented learning, providing both professional knowledge and skills and key competencies. It is based on a mix of single methods combined in a certain way. The workshop combines: individual work, group work, discussion, document analysis, moderation, etc.
Participatory-Oriented Education Intergenerational Learning Intergenerational Practice Key Competences Solidarity Heritage

Project method

item 7 Methods used in vocational training* applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva) The main idea of the project method is to set up a task related to solving a real problem that needs to be performed by a group of people within a certain period of time. Learning through a project method involves practical work in the form of a purposeful, time-limited work. During the different phases of the project, participants are encouraged to accumulate various knowledge, skills and abilities. Linking learning to action in fulfilling a specific task aims at mastering professional competence, including a social one.
Participatory-Oriented Education Intergenerational Learning Festival Community Solidarity Heritage Culture

Design and Development by arivum.