

Panel Discussion

The Panel Discussions stimulate analytical thinking, receiving feedback from the participants in the project, and allow all participants to express themselves. The aim is to provoke a conversation in which to present different points of view. The Panel Discussion is used to boost European identity, to develop and apply key competences and to evaluate the different aspects of active social inclusion. It helped in establishing cooperation with other organisations on local level (NGOs providing education for seniors, decision-makers of municipalities, associations representing older citizens, experts, national EU representatives and representatives of the European Commission).
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Danube Strategy Intergenerational Learning

Strong Inventory Test

The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) is a self-assessment instrument that career development professionals use to help high school and college students, as well as adults discover their interests. The Test measures the subject’s interest in a broad range of occupations, work activities, leisure activities, and school subjects. The Strong Interest Inventory is based on Holland codes, which are personality types created to measure an individual’s “type” and match it with a list of career choices.
Evaluation-Oriented Employability Career Interpretative Analysis


In the simulation the participants perform a certain activity in conditions, as closely as possible to the real situation. The method is useful, where practice is required for the performance of certain tasks, and it is not possible to practice the activity concerned. The method allows participants to apply directly the learning outcomes.
Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Festival Simulation Danube Stories European Awareness Danube Festivals


The application of the method contributed to the development of an educational program with themes, subtopics, methods and educational tools enhancing the role of third-age people in the civil dialogue process at all levels. It helped the exchange of ideas and knowledge between generations, nations and cultures. The method contributed to improving the social environment in the Danube countries through the organization of continuing education.
Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Active Ageing Lifelong Learning European Identity Civil Society

Drama Game

Drama Game is a basic learning activity. This is how students are stimulated to think and experience their individual or social problems. Older learners could learn to explore, explore, and experiment with their problems, events and relationships. Drawn by the drama, they draw their knowledge and experience of the real world.
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Discovery-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Cultural-Historical Heritage Of The Danube Region Intergenerational Learning

Cross-national Meeting

The Cross-national Meetings (Theoretical-practical conference) are an important final organizational form in adult learning. They are of great importance for activating learners, generalizing and systematizing the mastered knowledge, skills and habits. It provides a public view of the learning outcomes. A Cross-national Meeting was used to promote European values, tolerance towards other cultures, and diversity, as well as the unity of Europe and the Danube Region during the DANET project.
Action-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Danube Strategy Intergenerational Learning

Panel Discussion

Panel discussion was used to boost European identity, to develop and apply key competences and to evaluate the different aspects of active social inclusion. It helped in establishing cooperation with other organisations on local level (NGOs providing education for seniors, decision-makers of municipalities, associations representing older citizens, experts, national EU representatives and representatives of the European Commission).
Information-Oriented Action-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Non Formal Education European Identity Danube Strategy Intergenerational Learning

Peer to peer learning

With the help of the trainers, the seniors were able to get basic knowledge in coding.
Discovery-Oriented Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Groups Learning Skills

Focus groups on the value of European films about old age and active ageing

Focus groups were composed of experts in the field of old age and experts in the field of European cinema. Also, adult educators joined the group.
Evaluation-Oriented Society Solidarity Productivity Diversity Human Rights

Biographical method

This method was included as part of evaluation, detection and recognition of prior learning. Another dimension is social – self-reflection which is not only related to vocational training but also to social and cultural background of participants. This method is used to analyse an individual’s history, present and future, raise his self-awareness and encourage conscious planning of future actions, has positive effect on personal development of an individual. It helps the individual to better understand the importance of events and transitions in his life, become aware of his own identity, recognise and take responsibility for his own life and take an active role in it. Focus is to collecting and analysing the different ways of acquiring knowledge and competence development in different life circumstances and different social situations in which life skills are important. This method is useful in the detection of hidden knowledge and empowerment of self-confidence, and in opening new paths in training process. In this project were used spoken and written forms of biography in combination with guided interview. On institutional level this method is very useful tool for collecting data about previous learning, and important part of process for recognition of prior learning
Evaluation-Oriented Participatory-Oriented Life-History Method Migrants/ Immigrants Inclusion

Design and Development by arivum.