
Presentation (with artistic means)

Short Description
Presentation is a participatory-oriented method for informing, persuading and motivating. In the learning process, the presentation is widely used by the trainer and the participants - when presenting new learning material or when reporting learning outcomes (individual or group). In this specific case it helped the participants from different countries to convey content with artistic means. [Applied Classification of training methods (Valentina Vassileva)]

This specific type of presentation helps participants convey content with artistic means. 

Step 1: Students decide on the topic they would like to present with artistic means.

Step 2: Perform individual or groupresearch in Internet on the topic, some links and useful materials were provided.

Step 3: At a group meeting everyone presented their findings, bringing arguments. Decision reached about the structure of the presentation.

Step 4: According to the content of the presentation mini artistic sketches (pantomime and music) are designed and developed.

Step 5: Presentation is made and sketches performed by the youth (with sign language interpreter).

Pedagogical Information

Developed ability to formulate and express targeted message with artistic means through art expression/performance/sketches.

European Dimension

Being barrier free (suitable for international use)

Applied in projects

Art Changes Lives

“Purification” pantomime and dance performance. The pantomime and dance performance “Purification” of young Bulgarian actors with impaired hearing from “MIM ART” theater at “Tishina” Association. The actors designed and developed the script themselves with the main topic – environmental sustainability and how each and every one of us could do something to contribute to its preservation. They sent their universal message for care, actions and responsibility of people for preservation of the environment through the means of pantomime, synchronized singing and dance facilitated by sign language interpretation. [Project period: 14.03.2011 – 14.03.2012]

Additional resources

Design and Development by arivum.