
Research into intergenerational learning

Short Description
Generally speaking the concept of generations and the pertaining categorisations are frequently misunderstood. A generation is a social group of people who are more or less of the same age and live in similar social and historic conditions, who have similar feelings about their times, who have been gaining similar experience and knowledge, who have been developing similar attitudes, values and have adopted similar life styles (Ule 2008: 20). Multigenerational relationships are rather well preserved within families. There are differences between generations in their attitudes and standpoints towards a number of individual and social topics. Understanding generations’ means understanding the phenomenon of social change.

The research is deductive research based on accessible scientific literature and reference research studies in the field of andragogy, sociology, economy, political sciences. It is an overview of theories concerning generations. It provides the description and analysis of the legal framework of intergenerational education/learning/learning opportunities context. Legislation directly or indirectly pertaining to intergenerational learning and co-operation intergenerational education. It contains an overview of training and learning opportunities, etc.

Pedagogical Information

Understanding generations, their characteristics and culture is the base of the building of intergenerational learning course programmes.

European Dimension

The method supports the values at the core of European Union like social inclusion, peace, freedom, etc.

Applied in projects

European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning

The project was a continuation of the network EMIL founded by many European partners and ECIL, another network specialised in intergenerational learning (both networks were funded by Calouste Gulbenkian). Out of the latter network was born the ECIL – European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning partnership. The project was devoted to vocational training and its intergenerational learning contents.

Additional resources

Design and Development by arivum.