Modification of materials
The materials are to be studied in depth. Additionally, the subject is studied using different resources like articles, research studies, newspaper articles and YouTube videos. It is important that partners have different expertise and that they integrate it into the materials.
Pedagogical Information
The modified materials take into account the difference socio-cultural and economic environments.
European Dimension
The method supports the values at the core of European Union like social inclusion, peace, freedom and the vocational framework, etc.
Applied in projects
European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning
The project was a continuation of the network EMIL founded by many European partners and ECIL, another network specialised in intergenerational learning (both networks were funded by Calouste Gulbenkian). Out of the latter network was born the ECIL – European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning partnership. The project was devoted to vocational training and its intergenerational learning contents.